
Exacerbating the environmental impacts of pollution and leaving them unchanged will ultimately lead to disastrous environmental disasters Consequences, in addition to incurring a lot of human and material losses in addition to wasting and dissipating a lot of energies and foreshadow in the end a threat to the human existence and the great danger it poses to the future of Iraq. The research attempts to identify the impact of environmental pollution on health, agriculture, economy and development and threatening the lives of the population. For the purpose of reaching this goal, the research included in its theoretical part the concept of pollution and its types, and the Iraqi environment, especially after 2003, while the practical part dealt with the impact of methane emissions, and dioxide Carbon and nitrous oxide on the soil in Iraq using the Quick Back Propagation artificial neural network.


  • ‫ أوكسيد النتروز على الأراضي‬،‫ الميثان‬،‫تأثير انبعاث غازات ثاني أوكسيد الكريون‬ ‫ باستخدام الشبكات العصبية الاصطناعية‬٢٠٠٣ ‫الزراعية في العراق بعد العام‬

  • Research Methodology: A- The Research Goal: The research aims to analyze the negative effects of methane emissions, carbon dioxide, and nitrous oxide on Iraqi soil after the year 2003

  • B- The Research Importance: The theoretical aspect, which presents the concept of pollution and its types, as well as the status of the Iraqi environment after 2003, as well as the role of neural networks in analyzing the effects of pollution on lands in Iraq

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The Practical

The idea of research has emerged from the environmental reality, which faces many challenges such as pollution in all its forms and types. We note from Table (2) that R2 of the model is 74% and this indicates that the independent variables explain its proportion 74% of the adopted variable and that its proportion of 26% are the effects of variables outside the model and that Adjusted R Square 65% and this indicates the effect of the model in the society in which we note The F test was a significant sign of the model’s significance index and that the t tests for the independent variables were significant except for one variable, which is the methane emissions from the energy sector The effect of this gas on agricultural lands and crops is great, that the emissions of this gas have increased significantly in the recent period, and that such matters are capable of causing high climate changes that negatively affect the agricultural sector, where we note that any increase in emissions of this gas causes a significant change in the total crops And cultivating other types and varieties that are resistant to climate change, the important thing that happens here is that agricultural activities, both plant and animal, are among the causes of this gas emission, and it is clear that this gas is one of the most dangerous gases that threaten the climate and the environment, and Figure (3) shows the effect of methane emissions on Agricultural land.

The proposals
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