
The general public and specifically athletes always look for the next great advantage, whether it be a supplement, exercise modality, or drug. Supplements seem to be staple among athletes. PURPOSE: To determine if Citrulline Malate has an effect on anaerobic power performance, as measured by the Wingate Anaerobic Power test (WAPT). Several parameters will be tested: peak power, mean power and percentage of fatigue along with Lactate measurements. Evidence of beneficial effects of CM may help athletes who participate in high intensity activities or sports. METHODS: For this investigation, 21 healthy participants (means± SD: 23±3years of age; 172.2±10.6 cm tall; with a body weight of 79.9±17.7 kg) participated in this study. Subjects were instructed to limit their physical activity 24 hours prior to testing, to be consistent in their dietary intake during the test period. Participants were instructed to refrain from consuming Citrulline or Glutamine or any dietary supplements that contain the aforementioned ingredients during the test period. Each Subject reported three times to the laboratory facilities each separated by at least 48 hours. Each subject was fitted for the optimal seat height on the Lode Excalibur cycle ergometer. RESULTS: Statistical analysis was completed by a Dependent T-test. The statistics revealed that the Mean Power was significantly greater when Citrulline Malate was consumed(672.96±159.5 watts) as compared to the Placebo(651.96 ±148.77 W). As for the Peak Power and Fatigue Index, there was no significant differences. A significant decrease was seen in the Lactic Acid sample taken immediately after the WAPT when there was a consumption of CM(9.4±2.7mmol) compared to the placebo(10.4±2.4mmol). However, no significance was seen when comparing the accumulation of Lactic Acid 3 minutes post WAPT. CONCLUSIONS: Consuming Citrulline Malate half hour prior to a Wingate Anaerobic Power Test results in a greater Mean Power throughout the performance along with a lower Lactic Acid accumulation immediately after the protocol. The greater mean power and lower lactic acid accumulation can be a result of the CM providing functions that include vaso-dilation, mitochondrial respiration, and blood flow all seem to be positive as proposed by other investigations and research articles.

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