
Objective To compare effect of acrylic and chrome-cobalt on experimental oral candidiasis. Study Design 72 male Wistar rats were divided into group1 and group2 experimental groups and a control group, group 1 includes animals fitted with acrylic palatal plates, 12 of them inoculated with candida albicans, group 2 includes animals fitted with chrome-cobalt palatal plates, 12 of them inoculated with candida albicans. The control group includes animals inoculated with candida albicans on palate, and animals left without any treatment. Results Palatal candidiasis resulted in group 1, with alternating epithelial hyperplasia and atrophy, intra-epithelial polymorphonuclear leukocyte infiltration and chronic inflammatory cell infiltration in connective tissue, transmission of candida from yeast into mycelium was observed. Group 2 did not exhibit palatal candidiasis; but only slight hyperorthokeratinization. Conclusions Presence of acrylic in association with Candida albicans is required for oral candidiasis, while Chrome-Cobalt Inoculated with Candida albicans caused hyperkeratosis and slight epithelial hyperplasia.

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