
<h3>To the Editor:</h3> —In a recent number of theArchives of Internal MedicineCowie and Parsons<sup>1</sup>report the effect of certain blood constituents on picrate solutions. As a result of their studies, they conclude that creatinin, acetone, diacetic acid and epinephrin react with the picrate solution employed in the modified Lewis-Benedict method for blood sugar determination; and, further, that the reaction given by acetone and by epinephrin, is so intense that these substances become possible serious interfering substances in the determination of blood sugar by the modified Lewis-Benedict method. The possible interference by creatinin in the determination of sugar in blood by the picrate method has been the subject of frequent comment in the literature, and it is not our purpose to enter into any discussion of this question at the present time. It may, however, be pointed out that in certain bloods (particularly those of advanced nephritis or uremia)

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