
Carbohydrates are essential nutrients within the context of our daily dietary intake, serving a crucial function in the provision of energy for human metabolism, as well as exerting a significant influence on athletic performance and the subsequent process of recuperation. Carbohydrates, being a primary source of energy for the human body, hold significant significance in our daily existence. Carbohydrates serve multiple functions, including the reduction of body protein consumption, possession of detoxifying qualities, and potential contribution to an extended lifespan through acceptable ingestion. The appropriate consumption of carbohydrates significantly influences the overall health and quality of life of those without any specific health conditions. The dietary intake of an athlete plays a pivotal role in determining their performance on the field. Carbohydrates provide a primary energy source within the dietary regimen of athletes, playing a pivotal role in fueling explosive power, endurance, and other critical determinants of athletic success. The significance of carbs in relation to sleep should not be overlooked. The objective of this paper is to investigate the influence of carbohydrate consumption on both exercise performance and sleep quality. Additionally, this study will undertake a more extensive examination and analysis by include both athletes and individuals from the general population.

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