
Bovine colostrum with egg powder (BC/egg) is rich in essential amino acids and immunoactive compounds. This trial tested the hypothesis that a daily supplement of BC/egg would reduce linear growth faltering and environmental enteric dysfunction (EED) in Malawian infants when compared with an isoenergetic ration of corn/soy flour used as a control. EED was defined by a lactulose permeability test. This was a prospective, randomized, blinded, placebo-controlled clinical trial in which 9-mo-old infants received BC/egg or a control for 3 mo. The primary outcomes were change in length-for-age z-score (ΔLAZ) and urinary lactulose excretion (%L) at 12-mo-old. Secondary outcomes included episodes of diarrhea, stunting, EED, and the 16S configuration of the fecal microbiota. Of the 277 children enrolled, 267 completed the intervention phase of the study. LAZ decreased in all children from 9 to 17 mo, although ΔLAZ was less in children receiving BC/egg from 9 to 12 mo (difference=0.12 z-scores; P=0.0011). This difference persisted after feeding was completed, with less ΔLAZ (difference=0.09 z-scores). A lower prevalence of stunting was seen in the intervention group (n=47/137) than the control group (n=62/127) at 17 mo (RR = 0.70; 95% CI: 0.52, 0.94).The median %L at 12 mo of age in the children receiving BC/egg was 0.14%, compared with 0.17% in the control group (P=0.74). In children with %L>0.45% at enrollment (severe EED), the BC/egg group had more children with normal %L at 12 mo of age (10/20, 50%) than was seen in controls (2/15, 13%; P=0.024). Episodes of diarrhea and β-diversity of the 16S configuration of fecal microbiota did not differ between the 2 groups. Addition of BC/egg to complementary feeding in Malawian infants resulted in less linear growth faltering. This trial was registered at clinicaltrials.gov as NCT03801317.

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