
Health problems in school-age children, especially in terms of nutrition, are still a problem in Indonesia, such as being underweight and overweight, this is caused by physical activity, and vice versa, nutritional status affects children's physical activity. Therefore, dietary problems often experienced by school-age children, such as malnutrition and overnutrition, if these nutritional problems are not treated as early as possible, can affect children's health in the future.
 This study is a pre-experimental research design that used one group pre-test and posttest, namely the effect of the balanced nutrition education game method on healthy eating behavior in students of SDN 87 Jambi City, which was carried out one time, before and after giving a balanced nutrition educational game.
 The results showed effect of the educational game method on the Wilcoxon test results showed the Asymp Sig (2-tailed) value of 0.000. The balanced nutrition education game method influences the behavior of consuming healthy food at SD Negeri 87 Jambi City in 2022. This is hoped to continue to provide balanced nutrition education using media that researchers for students have created so they can consume healthy balanced nutrition food.

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