
Abstrak. This study aims to determine the effect of articulation learning models on students' understanding The Republic Indonesia proclamation of independence materials at 5 th grade in social studies subjects. The method that used in this research is a quasi experiment with the design of Nonequivalent (Pre-Test and Test Post) Control- Group Design. The design of the Group-Control Design is Non-equivalent Pre-Test and Post Control Group Design Test. The subjects of this research were the 5th grade students of SDN Babakan, Bogor City, with Academic Year of 2016/2017. The results of this research are obtained data on the average pretest score of the experimental group is 56.80 and control group is 56.60. The average differences in the pretest scores of the experimental and control group are obtained by a significance value of 0.812> 0.05, so H 0 was accepted. It can be concluded that there is no difference in the pretest scores of the experimental group and the control group. The average final score of the post-test experimental group was 89, the control group was 68.29. The different test of the average post-test score of experimental and control group in the both populations is if the significance score (P-value) > α, with the significance score is 0,000 ≤ 0.05. then H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted. This can be concluded that there are differences in the average post-test score in experimental group and control group. The conclusion of the obtained data is that the articulation learning model in the experimental group can influence the understanding of elementary students about Republic Indonesia proclamation of independence materials. Keywords : articulation, student understanding, social studies learning


  • Debriefing, development and human resource development are ways that must be taken in order to realize an increase in quality of human resources

  • Regarding the main task of teachers in teaching and learning activities, a teacher should have teaching skills, master at effective and varied learning models, and master the subject that will be taught to students, especially in elementary schools

  • Dewi (2015) revealed that elementary school is a basic level of formal institution which was held to develop the attitudes, abilities and basic skills that needed by students to live in society

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Debriefing, development and human resource development are ways that must be taken in order to realize an increase in quality of human resources. Education that done by teachers in learning especially in schools education must be able to provide and increase extensive knowledge, positive attitudes, and skills as a provision in life of their students. Regarding the main task of teachers in teaching and learning activities, a teacher should have teaching skills, master at effective and varied learning models, and master the subject that will be taught to students, especially in elementary schools. Teachers in teaching social studies must be able to encourage students to develop their knowledge, understanding, and analytical skills towards the social conditions of society in the present and future. Learning in social studies to make students motivated and effective in understanding the material in learning are with the articulation learning model. The solution that applied in this research is by applying an articulation learning model to improve students' understanding of the material that being studied

Research Methods
Research Results and Discussions
H SMP Negeri 3 Kartasura
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