
Based on 0Cr18Ni9Ti austenitic stainless steel plate (h = 6 mm), a study on arc behavior by ultrasonic frequency pulse gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW) process has been carried out. The results show that with the increasing pulse frequency, an obvious pinch effect of arc plasma has been detected and also the increment of arc voltage, stiffness, and force. Then, the method, combining weld appearance and numerical simulation, has been adapted for weld behavior on the basis of arc behavior by ultrasonic frequency pulse GTAW process. As a result of arc shrinkage, the root radius of arc decreased, which caused narrower weld bead. The larger arc force led to more depression of pool surface that made the downward heat source and external force point, which had been important to increasing weld penetration. Meanwhile, the mobility of molten pool was enhanced by weld behavior compared with conventional GTAW process.

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