
The deveopment of the scientific revolution is added a lot of science, especially the sports side. Playing is one of the areas that help to build the personality of the child, small games, The importance of research into the effect of using a small game program in learning some of the basic skills of football for students aged 10-11.the problem of research In the follow-up through the lesson of physical education and non-satisfaction of the desire of students to play, which prompted the researcher to prepare a program for small games to find a solution to this problem the aim of the research is to identify the effect of small games on learning some basic football skills for students aged 10-11 years inclnding research methodology and field procedures, if the researcher used the experimental method to suitability nature of the research. as The research community was chosen in adeliberate manner the number of 70 students representing the original research community. The fourth chapter includes presents the results, analyzis and discussion of the research through data and tables. The researcher will produce on eveution in the results of the tests (rolling, handling and scoring) of the research sample between the tribal and remote tests

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