
The temporal relationship of changes in cAMP and cGMP to oocyte maturation was examined in proestrous hamsters (day 4). The first series of experiments showed, in normal cycling hamsters, an increase in cAMP and a decrease in cGMP at 1400 h shortly after the rise in LH with oocyte maturation beginning at 1800 h. When a second group of animals was injected with phenobarbital at 1200 h to block the LH surge, no significant change occurred in either cyclic nucleotide and oocyte maturation was prevented. In the second series of experiments single injections of either saline, hCG (30 IU), LH (10 μg) or FSH (10 μg) were given each to a group of animals at 0900 h on day 4. Animals were killed at five time intervals between 15 min and 3 h following the injection. LH and hCG stimulated a simultaneous increase in cAMP and decline in cGMP. The injection of FSH, however, did not cause an increase in cAMP but still produced a sharp decline in cGMP. Oocyte maturation occurred at 3 h in those animals injected with gonadotropins. Animals injected with saline showed neither cyclic nucleotide changes nor oocyte maturation. When cAMP and cGMP levels were expressed as a ratio (cAMP/cGMP) a significant increase occurred in the normal cycling animals and in those injected at 0900 h with gonadotropins. Phenobarbital and saline injected control animals showed no significant increase in the cAMP/cGMP ratio and no oocyte maturation. The results of these experiments and previous studies by this investigator indicate that cGMP may play an important role in oocyte maturation in the hamster prior to the LH surge. Since, in the presence of gonadotropins, the cAMP/cGMP ratio increases prior to oocyte maturation, it may be that the cyclic nucleotide ratio is also of importance in this process. Previous work by Hubbard and Terranova (1) has shown that guanosine 3′ : 5′ cyclic monophosphate (cGMP) can inhibit spontaneous maturation of hamster oocytes in vitro . This inhibitory action was dose dependent and overcome by LH. The cGMP-mediated inhibition occurred only in cumulus-enclosed oocytes, while adenosine 3′ : 5′ cyclic monophosphate (cAMP) inhibited spontaneous maturation in both cumulus-enclosed and denuded oocytes. The results of this study suggested that cGMP may play a role in inhibiting oocyte maturation prior to the LH surge. LH, the initiator of oocyte maturation, has also been shown in the intact proestrous rat and hamster to cause a decrease in cGMP at the same time that cAMP is rising (2, 3). The effect of these cyclic nucleotide changes on oocyte maturation was not examined. If cGMP is indeed involved in preventing oocyte maturation prior to the LH surge, it is necessary to examine in more detail the relationship of changes in gonadotropins and cyclic nucleotides to oocyte maturation. The purpose of this study, therefore, is to examine the effect of gonadotropins on oocyte maturation and levels of follicular cAMP and cGMP during proestrus in the hamster.

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