
The beginning of the work of Slavic associations ought to be connected with the idea of Slavic alliance – the idea of Panslavism – which was reborn after World War I. It was argued that Slavic nations needed to be united on equal rights, without the supremacy of any single nation. This cooperation (bringing together, improving relations) was to take place, first of all, in economy (according to the idea of economic unity), and also in politics (political alliance), and culture (the idea of common acquaintance, understanding, promotion of culture) and it was to involve all Slavic nations. What may serve as an example of such cooperation can be the Polish- Czechoslovakian relations, in spite of their political and social difficulties. Throughout the years 1929–1939 associations of Slavic women were established and active in Poland as well as Czechoslovakia. The forms of their work as well as aims and tasks were similar. They would implement similar ideas. Their statutes clearly defined the aims and the forms of work in education; they were: establishing and fostering friendly contacts between Slavic nations, learning about the culture and the life of Slavs, promoting, supporting, and bringing together Slavic nations by all means permitted by law, and improving economic and cultural cooperation in the spirit of Slavonic mutuality. The broad and diverse educational work of the Slavic women’s associations in Poland and Czechoslovakia contributed to the improvement of the good relations and bringing together the two nations.

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