
Abstract The covariance between stock and bond returns plays important roles in the setting up of asset allocation strategies and portfolio diversification. In the present study, we propose a multivariate range-based volatility model incorporating dynamic copulas into a range-based volatility model to describe the volatility and dependence structures of stock and bond returns. We then go on to assess the economic value of the covariance forecasts based on our proposed model under a mean-variance framework. The out-of-sample forecasting performance reveals that investors would be willing to pay between 39 and 2081 basis points per year to switch from a dynamic trading strategy under the return-based volatility model to a dynamic trading strategy under the range-based volatility model, with more risk-averse investors being willing to pay even higher switching fees. Furthermore, additional economic gains of between 33 and 1471 annualized basis points are achieved when taking the leverage effect into consideration.

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