
The research aims at studying the economic usefulness of producing medical plants project un the city of Mosul bu using economic evaluation criteria. A sample of medical plants was chosen including Ghazing, Coriander, Chamomile and black Cumin. As for the reason behind choosing them, that is because they are local raw materials involved in manufacturing many pharmatical formulas and the wild abundant production in the city of Mosul in addition to consider them as an important economic resource. For the sake of refuting the hypothesis of the research, the criteria of commercial earning i.e. the portion of earnings to costs which reached 1.408 and the current next value of the additional cash flow which reached 576745 Iraqi Dinars and the rate of the internal earnings that reached 34.87%. the total costs of the proposed project reached 75927579 Iraqi Dinars, and the total additional value of the duration of the project 50699456 Iraqi Dinars equal to 42605 US Dollar by exchange rate 1119 Dinar / US Dollar.


  • ‫ثالثا ‪ :‬معیار معآدل العائآد الآداخلي ‪ :‬ان القاع‪O‬دة الاساس‪O‬یة لاختی‪O‬ار قیم‪O‬ة المش‪O‬روع بموج‪O‬ب ھ‪O‬ذا المعی‪O‬ار‬ ‫الذي یعمل في الواقع على تمییز المشاریع بوضوح ھي قب‪O‬ول ك‪O‬ل المش‪O‬اریع الت‪O‬ي لھ‪O‬ا نس‪O‬بة عائ‪O‬د داخل‪O‬ي‬ ‫اعلى من تكالیف الفرصة البدیلة لراس المال ویجري وضع اولویة للمشاریع حسب قیمة ھذه النسبة لك‪O‬ل‬ ‫منھا )اقل نسبة مقبولة للعائد الداخلي تسمى عادة سعر القطع وھي عادة ماتكون اعلى بقلی‪O‬ل م‪O‬ن تك‪O‬الیف‬ ‫الفرص‪O‬ة البدیل‪O‬ة ل‪O‬راس الم‪O‬ال(‪ .‬لق‪O‬د بلغ‪O‬ت القیم‪O‬ة الحالی‪O‬ة الص‪O‬افیة للمش‪O‬روع المقت‪O‬رح ‪ ٤٢٠٩٣٨٣‬دین‪O‬ار‬ ‫باستخدام سعر الخصم ‪ %٣٤‬و ‪ ٥٧٦٧٤٥‬دینار باستخدام سعر الخصم ‪ %٣٥‬وعلیھ یكون معدل العائ‪O‬د‬ ‫ال‪O‬داخلي ھ‪O‬و ‪ %٣٤.٨٧‬وال‪O‬ذي یعب‪O‬ر ع‪O‬ن الكفای‪O‬ة الحدی‪O‬ة ل‪O‬راس الم‪O‬ال المس‪O‬تثمر ف‪O‬ي المش‪O‬روع المقت‪O‬رح‬

  • ‫‪ABSTRACT‬‬ ‫‪The research aims at studying the economic usefulness of producing‬‬ ‫‪medical plants project un the city of Mosul bu using economic evaluation‬‬ ‫‪criteria

  • As for the reason behind choosing them, that is‬‬ ‫‪because they are local raw materials involved in manufacturing many‬‬ ‫‪pharmatical formulas and the wild abundant production in the city of Mosul in‬‬ ‫‪addition to consider them as an important economic resource

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‫‪ABSTRACT‬‬ ‫‪The research aims at studying the economic usefulness of producing‬‬ ‫‪medical plants project un the city of Mosul bu using economic evaluation‬‬ ‫‪criteria.

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