
The i980s have witnessed a remarkable blossoming of economic history south of the Pyrenees. At the beginning of the decade Spanish economic historians set up an Asociacion de Historia Econ6mica which has held wellattended congresses in Alcala de Henares (i98i) and Segovia (i985). A further meeting is planned for December i989 in Alicante. In i983 the association launched its own journal, the Revista de Historia Econ6mica. Edited by Gabriel Tortella, this now appears three times a year and has become the main forum for articles and reviews. Even so, a number of other scholarly reviews regularly publish material on the economic history of contemporary Spain. For example, Papeles de Economia Espafola brought out a special issue in i984 entitled 'The new face of Spanish economic history' with contributions by a number of leading authorities.2 This substantial volume sets out the state of the art of Spanish economic history, especially since i8oo, covering all aspects of the discipline. Regional studies also merit ample treatment. In the following year, Informacion Comercial Espariola published a detailed appraisal and critique of the major work of Jordi Nadal, perhaps Spain's best-known economic historian.3 As well as the above journals, the reader is also referred to Moneda y Credito, Hacienda PThlica Espaniola and Investigaciones Econ6micas. For agricultural history, Agricultura y Sociedad and Estudis d'Histbria Agraria are essential reading while Recerques is crucial for an understanding of Catalonia. It should also be recorded that a number of official bodies have actively encouraged research and publication in many branches of economic history, among them the Bank of Spain, the Ministry of Agriculture and the Instituto de Estudios Fiscales. In addition, groups of scholars regularly hold symposia with the intention of publishing the papers. Especially worthy of mention are the Universidad Internacional Menendez y Pelayo, the proceedings of whose summer schools in Santander have gone on to become academic best-sellers,4 and the gatherings associated with the name of Manuel Tufo'n de Lara.5

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