
To determine the total burden of illness, including direct and indirect costs for employees and their dependents with acute coronary syndrome (ACS). Medical and pharmacy claims along with short-term disability (STD) and long-term disability (LTD) claims from 2007 to 2010 were analyzed using two data sets: Integrated Benefits Institute's Health and Productivity Benchmarking Database (STD and LTD claims) and IMS LifeLink™ Health Plan Data (medical and pharmacy claims). Employees with ACS lost 60.2 ± 0.29 STD and 397.9 ± 8.09 LTD days per disability incident. For employers, the estimated average per claim productivity loss from STD and LTD was $7943 ± 39.7 and $52,473 ± 1114, respectively. Total annual ACS health care costs per employee were $8170 ± 106, with $7545 ± 104 for annual medical costs. Hospitalizations accounted for 75% of total annual ACS health care costs. ACS imposes a substantial economic burden on employees, employers, and society.

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