
The populations of 0-group plaice and common dabs have been studied in a bay in Loch Ewe on the west of Scotland during the years 1964 to 1967. After metamorphosis the plaice settle on the bottom from April till June and the dabs only during June. Both species show a rapid mortality rate during the succeeding six months. The depth distribution of the plaice changed from month to month but in general the population inhabited water shallower than 4 m and the fish migrated into the littoral zone with the rising tide. The dabs almost always remained sublittoral with the maximum abundance at 4 m and with the population extending to a depth of 6 to 8 m. The food of the two species overlap to some extent but are quantitatively different. Immediately after settlement the plaice feed mainly on Tellina siphons and the dabs on polychaete tentacles, except in 1967 when the plaice also fed on the polychaete tentacles. After this initial feeding period both species feed on whole polychaetes, amphipods, and cumaceans.

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