
***A epoché ecológica***Na discussão de Afred Schutz sobre o mundo da vida cotidiana, que difere de outras realidades múltiplas, apesar de todas essas realidades pertencerem ao mundo da vida que antecede a implementação da redução fenomenológica completa, ele enfatiza que o mundo da vida cotidiana é um mundo de trabalho. Nesse artigo, descreverei o que é trabalhar e seu potencial para prejudicar/comprometer nossas relações com os animais e impactar de forma negativa a sustentabilidade ecológica. Então, sugerirei dois recursos da tradição fenomenológica para desafiar o potencial de tal comprometimento: a noção de empatia de Husserl, que atinge os animais, e a ideia de realidades múltiplas de Schutz, a qual, como argumentarei, poderia incluir uma atitude ecológica distinta iniciada por uma epoché ecológica.


  • Resumo: Na discussão de Afred Schutz sobre o mundo da vida cotidiana, que difere de outras realidades múltiplas, apesar de todas essas realidades pertencerem ao mundo da vida que antecede a implementação da redução fenomenológica completa, ele enfatiza que o mundo da vida cotidiana é um mundo de trabalho

  • The world of working and the human relationship with animals In Schutz’s “The problem of personality in the social world,” he argues, within the “solipsistic primordial sphere,” for a pragmatic self, belonging to the world of working, which undergoes modifications, with regard to its pragmatic motivations, in the worlds of phantasy, dreams, and theory (Schutz, 2013). In his later “On multiple realities,” Schutz admits that the world of daily life, within which working is to be found, is thoroughly intersubjective, but, he presents the world of working as it is experienced from the subjective point of view of the actors who find themselves at the center-point of their spatial, temporal, and social coordinates

  • De Waal (2016) describes numerous awe-inducing experiences of animals that place one within the ecological attitude: monkeys anticipating the future, echolocation among bats, the unique dances bees deploy to indicate the presence of food, feline communication through rubbing up against cage walls, kissing behaviors as a welcoming sign among bonobos, the counting behavior of horses, apes who jump into lakes to save others even though apes do not swim, macaques’ learning to wash sweet potatoes because a predecessor had done so, chimpanzees passing over hidden food and returning to it later when no other chimps were in the area, young chimps bringing water to debilitated animals, face-recognition among wasps, chimpanzees developing five different kinds of tools for different purposes, crows’ utilization of tools, ape mourning, alpha male gorillas rescuing a choking juvenile gorilla, a chimpanzee demonstrating its newborn to an experimenter, alpha male chimpanzee political strategies and their abilities to recognize the friends of opponents, female apes reconciling conflicting males, joint coordinated behavior among apes and elephants, joint attention among orca whales, trout/eel shared expeditions to find food sources, bonobos carrying rocks a long distance to crack nuts, male apes grooming followers the day before attacking enemies, dolphins delaying action until more information was available, and male cuttle fish showing themselves in two different colors at the same time, one color on the side facing a female fish and the other facing male enemies (De Waal, 2016)

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Resumo: Na discussão de Afred Schutz sobre o mundo da vida cotidiana, que difere de outras realidades múltiplas, apesar de todas essas realidades pertencerem ao mundo da vida que antecede a implementação da redução fenomenológica completa, ele enfatiza que o mundo da vida cotidiana é um mundo de trabalho.

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