
Abstract The early thermal state of the Earth provides important constraints on hypotheses relating to its origin and its connection with the Moon. The currently popular giant impact hypothesis of lunar origin requires the Earth’s mantle to have been completely melted during the impact. Differentiation of a molten mantle would have produced strong chemical and mineralogical stratification, causing the mantle to become gravitationally stable and resistant to convective rehomogenization. The resulting composition and mineralogy of the upper mantle and primitive crust would have been dramatically different from those which have existed during the past 3.8 b. y. It is concluded that the Earth’s mantle was not extensively melted at the conclusion of accretion of the planet and therefore the hypothesis that the Moon was formed by the impact of a martian-sized planetesimal on the proto-Earth is probably incorrect. Nevertheless, a wide range of geochemical evidence demonstrates the existence of a close genetic relationship between the Moon and the Earth’s mantle. The key evidence relates to the processes of core formation in planetary bodies and resultant abundance patterns of siderophile elements which remain in their silicate mantles. Because of the complexity of the core formation process within a given body and the multiplicity of chemical and physical processes involved, the mantle siderophile signature is expected to be a unique characteristic. Thus, the siderophile signatures of Mars and of the eucrite parent body are quite distinct from that of the Earth’s mantle. Lunar siderophile geochemistry is reviewed in detail. It is demonstrated that a large group of siderophile elements display similar abundances in the terrestrial and lunar mantles. The similarity implies that a major proportion of the material now in the Moon was derived from the Earth’s mantle after core formation. This implication, however, does not require that the bulk compositions of the lunar and terrestrial mantles should be essentially identical, as is often assumed. Factors which may contribute to significant compositional differences between the two bodies within the context of a close genetic relationship are reviewed. The most promising mechanism for removing terrestrial material from the Earth’s mantle arises from the impacts of a number of large (0.001 to 0.01 ME) but not giant (≥ 0.1 ME) planetesimals after core formation and at the terminal stage of the Earth’s accretion. These impacts evaporated several times their own masses of mantle material and shock-melted considerably more. However, they did not lead to complete or extensive (e.g. > 50%) melting of the entire mantle. Impact-generated clouds of shock-melted spray and vapours were accelerated to high velocities in the presence of a primitive terrestrial atmosphere that co-rotated with the Earth. This provided an effective means of transferring angular momentum from the Earth to the ejected material which condensed to form a ring of Earth-orbiting planetesimals and moonlets. The Moon was formed by coagulation from material derived from the outer regions of this ring. Accretion of the Earth in the presence of the gases of the solar nebula and the co-rotating primitive terrestrial atmosphere may also have provided a mechanism for generating the rapid prograde spin of the proto-Earth.

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