
Early Cretaceous development of the Mecsek Mts. (South Hungary) is characterized by continental rifting that produced mixed volcano-sedimentary rocks in the Tihonian/Berriasian and built up a volcanic edifice in the earliest Cretaceous of ankaramite–alkaline basalts. During the Valanginian, marl sedimentation occurred in the basinal part containing rich pelagic fauna dominated by ammonites. Beside phylloceratids, lytoceratids and haploceratids, Kilianella roubaudiana, K. lucensis, Sarasinella eucyrta, Thurmanniceras pertransiens, Th. ( Clavithurmannia) foraticostata, Busnardoites campylotoxus, Olcostephanus drumensis, O. densicostatus, and Sabbaiceras stefanescui are indicating the Early and Late Valanginian Thurmanniceras pertransiens, Busnardoites campylotoxus and Saynoceras verrucosum zones. The Early Valanginian is also supported by Calpionellites darderi indicating the calpionellid “E” zone. The marl sequence contains a turbidite bed with rich fauna of shallow marine origin from the volcanic slope of lagoonal, reef, and tidal environs, however it contains metasomatized limestone olistoliths of different origin. Source of these olistoliths is the near iron-ore deposit, which is considered an embryonic shallow water hydrothermal vent. It includes a remarkable fauna of rich crustacean coprolite ichnospecies of Favreina dispentochetarius, F. hexaochetarius, F. octoochetarius, Palaxius decaochetarius, P. tetraochetarius, P. triochetarius. In the neighbourhood of the embryonic vent, a remarkable megafauna occurs, which is an almost monospecific brachiopod fauna dominated by Lacunosella hoheneggeri. Other brachiopods as Nucleata veronica, Moutonithyris moutoniana, Karadagithyris sp., and Zittelina pinguicula also occur as stray individuals. Together with benthic megafauna, nektonic elements as Nautiloidea gen. et sp. ind, phylloceratid- and lytoceratid ammonites and echinoid spines of Balanocidaris rysacantha occur.

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