
The discovery of the Early Pleistocene sites of Bogatyri/Sinyaya Balka and Rodniki 1 on the Taman Peninsula in western Ciscaucasia led to the recognition of a distinctive “Tamanian industry”, with a time-range of 1.6–1.2 Ma, and with characteristics that are transitional between Oldowan and Acheulean (“Archaic Acheulean”). The site of Kermek was discovered by V.E. Shchelinsky in 2008 during investigation of the older Lower Pleistocene sediments exposed in the coastal cliff of the Sea of Azov in the vicinity of previously studied sites.In this paper, we present preliminary data from a multidisciplinary study of the Early Pleistocene site of Kermek, situated near to the sites of Bogatyri/Sinyaya Balka and Rodniki 1, but which is significantly older. This site is connected with a well-studied Early Pleistocene (late Kujalnikian) fluviatile-shallow marine sequence. These reverse magnetized deposits are characterized by freshwater and brackish water mollusks (with Dreissena theodori), and by a small mammal fauna (with Allophaiomys deucalion), and are dated to the latest Gelasian or early Calabrian ca. 2.1–1.8 Ma. The lithic industry from the site can be attributed to the Classic Oldowan but with distinctive local features that include indications of “advanced technologies” such as the manufacture of large flakes and picks. In this respect, this industry is assumed to have been a genetic precursor of the later Early Pleistocene Tamanian industry, which has a well pronounced Acheulean component.

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