
The interaction in the πΔ system is studied and it is shown that ϱ-exchange is expected to give strong attraction in the partial waves P 11, D 15, D 11 and D 11 (the last of which couples to πN S 11). It gives an explanation of the resonances D 15(1670) and S 11(1535) and it may be combine with the interaction in the πN and ϱN systems to produce D 13(1520) and D 13(1700) and in the eN system to produce P 11(1470). The N D method is used to calculate the πN elastic amplitude for the first two cases and good agreement is obtained with phase shift analyses if it is assumed that the coupling between the πN and πΔ systems is dominated by nucleon exchange. Taken together with our earlier analyses of the ϱN system, we have now obtained an ecplanation of all πN resonances below 2 GeV in terms of strong attraction in the πN or ππN systems.

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