
Ponte Academic JournalAug 2020, Volume 76, Issue 8 THE DYNAMICS OF PUBLIC OPINION ABOUT THE INTRODUCTION OF NEW EDUCATIONAL STANDARDS IN THE SCHOOL EDUCATION (ON THE EXAMPLE OF THE REPUBLIC OF NORTH OSSETIA-ALANIA OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION)Author(s): Dzutsev Khasan Vladimirovich ,Kudzieva Fatima Sergeevna, Dibirova Aminat Parukovna, Kornienko Natalya Vladimirovna, Bagaeva Zarina GennadievnaJ. Ponte - Aug 2020 - Volume 76 - Issue 8 doi: 10.21506/j.ponte.2020.8.7 Abstract:School education is one of the most important factors of personal development. Socio-economic changes in the country\'s life often lead to educational reform. A crisis society in a state of anomie cannot always objectively assess and adequately accept innovations in any sphere, being nostalgic for the past way of life. The rapid and often senseless turnover of innovations under the aegis of \"optimization and modernization\" in school education generates distrust, indifference and even some dislike among consumers of educational services. Public opinion of the population, therefore, can serve as an indicator of the attitude to a particular problem. The study was conducted in April-May 2019 by the center for research of border territories of the South of Russia ISPI FNISC RAS and the Department of sociology of the North Ossetian State University and is similar to the study conducted in October-November 2012. The article is based on the comparative characteristics of both studies. Main research methods are analysis of scientific literature on the problem in the works of Russian and foreign scientists, surveys and expert opinions, and comparative analysis of data drawn from a massive survey conducted every 7 years. The survey involved 637 respondents-parents whose children were in school at the time of the survey. Additional education teachers, methodologists, and teachers acted as experts. The results of the study showed that society is not ready for any serious changes in the field of education, both from the supervising authorities and from the consumers of educational services, and modern schools are not able to perform educational and educational functions in full and at proper level. For several years, the attitude of the population of the republic to the introduction and operation of new educational standards has changed slightly. Distrust of their effectiveness and efficiency is leading among the opinions. The situation is aggravated by imperfect organization of educational institutions, gaps in the qualifications of teaching and managerial staff, as well as the lack of reliable and full-fledged state policy and funding. We believe that the results of this study will further improve the effectiveness of the new educational standards in secondary schools, and a wider awareness of the role of standards in the learning process will allow consumers of educational services to take a more active part in the process. Download full text:Check if you have access through your login credentials or your institution Username Password

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