
The aim of the study is to reveal the influence of psychosocial factors, which are known under the umbrella notion "perestroika (rearrangement) of the Russian society" in modern science on personal characteristics of young people and to give the quantitative assessment of this influence. First of all, we have assessed the dynamics of self-actualization values as a crucial factor in the formation of personalities in youth days. Methods: the E. Shostrom's Personal Orientation Inventory (the POI) and R. Cattell's Personality Factor Questionnaire (the 16-PF). We have compared two groups of subjects: the second year medical students born in 1973 (n = 88, the "pre-perestroika generation") and in 1997 (n = 140, the "post-perestroika generation"). Results. We have revealed that the indices of accepting self-actualization values (the SAV scale of the POI test), empathy to the feelings and needs of other people (the Fr POI scale), freedom in spontaneous responding (the S POI scale) as well as some other indices were significantly higher in the "post-perestroika generation". The number of correlations between the SAV scale of the POI test and the scales of R. Cattell's Personal Questionnaire has doubled. However, we have found the signs of soft maladaptation in the problems of time relationships (the Ti/Tc POI). Conclusions. The values of personal self-actualization in the "post-perestroika generation" have strengthened its strategic role and became more "ecological" with respect to personality (more accelerated in the structure of personality traits). Assurance degradation in the experience of the whole time perspective as well as impairment in ability to accept one's points of weakness have become a kind of payment of for these changes (the Sa POI scale). Overall, we have revealed the positive influence of the "perestroika" processes in the Russian society on the formation of young people's personality.

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