
This study aims to reveal the agent-structure relationship that occurs from the phenomenon of sacred grave pilgrimage in Dewi Sekardadu, Sidoarjo through the structuration theory by Anthony Giddens’s perspective as well as ritual communication studies. The type of this research is qualitative with ethnographic methods. This research uses a multi-site ethnographic method, namely by comparing historical facts at all Dewi Sekardadu’s sacred graves spread across four cities involving Sidoarjo, Gresik, Lamongan and Banyuwangi. The key informants were door-keepers, grave caretakers, community leaders, pilgrims and businessmen. The research data was collected by direct observation and participant observation, in-depth interviews and documentations. Then obtained data was analyzed using structuration theory and ritual communication studies. The result of this research had theoretical implications that support and reject Gidden’s sight. First, the proficient agents in Kepetingan have succeeded in changing the stigma of Kepetingan from a criminal area to a religious area through the development of folklore and ritual communication practices. Second, Giddens does not assume any clustering of agents of society for instance the caretaker cluster which has dominance on national scale but not in society, because the appointment process is considered less sacred. Third, Nyadran community structure occurred among indigenous fisherman from Bluru Kidul and Balongdowo which created to the grave pilgrims community structure in Kepetingan which was inhabited by urban fisherman from Gresik dan Lamongan regency.

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