
The shortcomings offunctioning of ambulatory polyclinic service and overrated volume ofprovided emergency medical care became actual propblemin primary medical care support of population in small towns due to age structure of population. Purpose of study. To investigate dynamics of age structure of out-patient visits and calls of emergency care by population of small town in 2011-2015. The analysis of out-patient visits and calls emergency care in 2011-2015 demonstrated that during five years number of visits to polyclinic decreased up to 5.3% mainly (14%) at the expense of residents of able-bodied age while number ofpatients of junior and senior able-bodied age increased on 1.5% and 5.1% correspondingly. The analysis of calls of emergency medical care revealed shortcomings in organization of ambulatory polyclinic care: more than a half (70.4%) of all calls because of instant diseases and conditions falls on the period of working hours of polyclinic (from 8 to 20 h.) The occasion of call by population of junior able-bodied age in 68.7% became acute diseases of respiratory organs (acute respiratory viral infection - in 93.6%) and by patients of senior ablebodied age in 72.6% - exacerbation of chronic pathology (ischemic heart disease, hypertension disease). The correction of these calls could be implemented by ambulatory polyclinic service itself. The acquired data corresponds to publication data and indicates to existing problems of primary medical care support of rural population in various regions of the Russian Federation. The investigation of age structure of out-patient visits, calls of emergency medical care of data of sociological survey of respondents revealed shortcomings in organization of functioning of municipal polyclinic related to population of senior able-bodied age that result in increasing of volume of work implemented by teams of emergency care.

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