
EUV jets situated in coronal holes are thought to play an important role in supplying heated material to the corona and solar wind. The multi-wavelength capabilities and high signal-to-noise of detectors on-board SDO allows for detailed study of these jet's evolution. We aim to exploit SDO's capabilities to reveal information on the jet dynamics and obtain estimates for plasma properties associated with the jet. We study the dynamics an EUV jet with AIA/SDO at a coronal hole boundary. The details of the jet evolution are discussed and measurements of the jet's parameters, e.g. length, width, life time, outward speed, are obtained. Further, automated emission measure analysis is exploited to determine estimates for the temperature and density of the jet. A propagating transverse wave supported by the jet spire is also observed. Measurement of the wave properties are exploited for magneto-seismology and are used in conjunction with the emission measure results to estimate the magnetic field strength of the jet. We present a detailed description of the jet's evolution, with new evidence for plasma flows, prior to the jet's initiation, along the loops at the base of the jet and also find further evidence that flows along the jet spire consist of multiple, quasi-periodic small-scale plasma ejection events. In addition, DEM analysis suggests that the jet has temperatures of $\log{5.89\pm0.08}$ K and electron densities of $\log{8.75\pm0.05}$ cm$^{-3}$. Measured properties of the transverse wave suggest the wave is heavily damped as it propagates along the jet spire with speeds of $\sim110$ km/s. The magneto-seismological inversion of the wave parameters provides values of $B=1.21\pm0.2$ G along the jet spire, which is in line with previous estimates for open fields in coronal holes.}

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