
We report the results of an experiment on the Dynamic Stark Effect in a J=0→1→0 three-level system in 138Ba (Fig. 1). This experiment involved tuning an intense laser field to resonance with the transition between the middle (6s6p 1P1) and upper (6p2 3p0) levels of the three-level system. A probe laser of sufficiently low intensity so as not to introduce any further nonlinear effects was scanned through resonance with a transition connecting the ground state (6s2 1S0) with the middle level. The populations of the middle and upper levels were simultaneously but separately monitored as a function of probe laser frequency by recording fluorescence resulting from transitions out of these levels. The barium atoms were prepared in an atomic beam, and the linewidths of the counterpropagating laser fields were less than 1MHz RMS.KeywordsAtomic BeamMiddle LevelRabi FrequencyProbe LaserStrong LaserThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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