
The dynamic and static elastic response of the abdominal aorta was studied in beagle dogs of similar age and weight. The dynamic response was measured in situ by means of an optical transmission wedge resting on the exposed vessel to record the pulsatile changes in wall displacement and the pressure pulse recorded at the same site via a hypodermic needle. The static response was recorded (1) in situ by observing the change in radius which occurred with a change in the mean blood pressure, (2) post mortem using both transmission wedge and radiographic techniques. The change in radius (deltaR) for a change in pressure (deltaP=20 mm Hg[2.67kPa]) was calculated for both the dynamic and static cases. It was found that the aorta was stiffer for the dynamic case, the extent of the stiffening being dependent on the mean pressure. At pressures less than 80 mm Hg (10.64 kPa) the dynamic/static deltaR ratio was 1.8 decreasing to 1.1 at 160 mm Hg (21.28 kPa). This behaviour is interpreted in terms of smooth muscle relaxation and the subsequent transference of circumferential tension to collagen.

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