
Many cases of chronic sinusitis were found among the employments of cotton mills and textile faculties around here Ootsu city.This study was made based upon the presumption of thet the fiebr dusts might be one of the causes of the disease.Under the polarizing microscope with crossed nicols, the bright intesference colour of the fiber and mineral dusts owing to its double refraction were observed in the dark field. (Fig. 1)The 100 samples obtained from the mucous membrane of maxillar sinus following the Caldwell-Luc operation were stained with the method of Hematoxylin Eosin and observed with polarizing microscope. Many foreign bodies with double refractions were found in the field.The foreign bodies which seem of the portion of fiber were about 5 to 20 micron in length were also found out only in the mucuses Fig. 4. to. 5. but wihin the tissues.The dusts in the epithellum, submucosa and vessels were respectively shown in Fig. 6 to 8, Fig. 9 to 12 and Fig. 13 to 14.Among the cases, the fibrosis of the tissues, cell infiltration and foreign body giant cells were found around the foreign body.On the mostly normal tissue. it is rather difficult to find above foreign bodies.Since each of the samples contained 2 to 3 foreign bodies on the pathogenic tissues, including the one obtained from the others of the industrial workers, the whole maxillar membrane possibly contained 5, 000 to 10, 000 of it, Above facts might be one of the important causes to make the disease chronic state.The possibility of containing more fiber dusts and bacterias in the air comparing to the European countries might be the reason of more occuring the disease in our country.Author hopeThis study may be a mean to protect the disease.

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