
Background: This study investigates the dual mediation effect of evaluative concerns perfectionism and mindfulness in the relationship between temperament and depression among office workers.Methods: 220 Korean office workers completed online surveys measuring levels of FCB-TI perseveration (PE) and emotional reactivity (ER), evaluative concerns perfectionism, mindfulness, and depression.Results: The data analysis results showed that evaluative concerns perfectionism and mindfulness both mediated the relationship between temperament types and depression. Additionally, evaluative concerns perfectionism and mindfulness had dual mediating effect between temperament and depression.Conclusions: Based on the results of this study, PE and ER temperament could increase the level of evaluative concerns perfectionism, decreasing the level of mindfulness and increasing the risk of depression. The findings highlight the potential value of mindfulness-based interventions focusing on alleviating perfectionism concerning others’ evaluation for preventing and treating depression in office settings.

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