
Dual codes play an important role in the field of error detecting codes on a binary symmetric channel. Via the MacWilliams Identities they can be used to calculate the original code's weight distribution and its probability of undetected error. Moreover, knowledge of the minimum distance of the dual code provides insight in the properties of the weights of a code. In this paper firstly the order of growth of the dual distance of a CRC as a function of the block length n is investigated, and a new lower bound is proven. Then this bound is used to derive a weaker version of the 2-r-bound on the probability of undetected error, and the relationship of this bound to the 2-r-bound is discussed. Estimates of the range of binomiality and the covering radius are given, depending only on the code rate R and the degree r of the generating polynomial of the CRC. In the case of a CRC, two results of Tietavainen are improved. Furthermore, wit is shown that there is binomial behavior of the weight distribution, if only n is large enough. Then, by means of an estimate of the tail of the binomial, another bound on the probability of undetected error is verified. Finally a new version of Sidel'nikov's theorem on the normality of the cumulative distribution function of the weights of a code is presented, where the dual distance is replaced by an expression depending on n and the degree r. In this way the conclusions of the present paper may attribute a new meaning to some well known results about codes with known dual distance and give some new insight in this kind of problems.

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