
The Irish Presbyterian minister and missionary to the Jews, William Graham, began his book On Spiritualising Scripture: The Confessions of a Millenarian, published in London in 1870, with the following reminiscences: When I was very young, I received (perhaps without sufficient examination) the Millenarian theory and the literal interpretation of Scripture on which it is based. Even in the theology class I ventured, in a prize essay, to advocate the national restoration and conversion of the Jews, on receiving which essay from the venerable professor, I found written: ‘Mr Graham, reconsider this matter’. I did reconsider it; I read all books on all sides of the subject, devoted much study to the text of Holy Scripture, and, after much prayer for heavenly guidance, came to the conclusion that my first convictions were right, that the doctrine called Millenarian, concerning the Advent, the Antichrist, the First Resurrection, and the literal interpretation of prophecy, were salutary and scriptural.1 KeywordsJewish PeopleLiteral InterpretationHoly GhostLiberal TheologyBiblical CriticismThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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