
China's role in the United Nations (UN) is steadily rising at a time the United States is seeking burden‐sharing and rethinking its multilateral leadership role. This article highlights that China's increasing role in three critical areas—(1) UN peacekeeping; (2) the work of the UN on human rights, particularly in the Human Rights Council; and (3) the governance of the digital realm and Internet freedom—has significant implications for U.S. interests and broader global governance efforts. Although China's transformation into a responsible stakeholder in various areas of the UN's work could be promising, Beijing's attempts to alter existing liberal norms bear close examination. Those seeking a larger Chinese role in the UN might best be careful what they wish for. Despite the emergence of populism and some skepticism of multilateral arrangements in their domestic politics, the United States and like‐minded nations have an interest in reinforcing liberal norms in these three areas of global governance and beyond.

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