
Tensor models generalize matrix models and generate colored triangulations of pseudo-manifolds in dimensions D ≥ 3. The free energies of some models have been recently shown to admit a double scaling limit, i.e. large tensor size N while tuning to criticality, which turns out to be summable in dimension less than six. This double scaling limit is here extended to arbitrary models. This is done by means of the Schwinger-Dyson equations, which generalize the loop equations of random matrix models, coupled to a double scale analysis of the cumulants.


  • Controlled by the genus of the corresponding Feynman ribbon graphs

  • This is done by means of the Schwinger-Dyson equations, which generalize the loop equations of random matrix models, coupled to a double scale analysis of the cumulants

  • It is worth noticing that the double scaling limit in tensor models differs markedly from that in matrix models

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The framework of random tensor theory

Observables in random tensor theory are generalizations of trace-invariants in matrix models. Invariance requires all indices to be contracted It emerges that the generating polynomials can be labeled by connected, regular, bipartite graphs of degree D, whose edges have a color label drawn from {1, . D} such that the D edges incident to a vertex have distinct colors There are the 4-vertex bubbles illustrated in figure 1b D} is the color of the edges that, when cut, disconnect the graph Another (less important) example of a bubble is given in figure 1c.

Bubble observables
The Schwinger-Dyson equations
Navigating the following sections
The leading order
Moments and cumulants
Gaussian and non-Gaussian contributions
The Schwinger-Dyson equations at NLO
The double scaling limit
Proof of the double scaling limit
The intermediate field representation
Reduced maps
From the quartic model to a generic model
Concluding remarks and perspectives
The expectations of melonic bubbles
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