
As the Fall semester is upon us, it is also the time of the White Coat Ceremony at many colleges and schools of pharmacy. Many of us, myself included, are from a time before such ceremonies. I recently had the honor and privilege of attending a White Coat Ceremony at one of our California schools of pharmacy. As I peered out into the audience I was reminded that these bright and hopeful faces of new, first-year pharmacy students have entered a new phase in their educational endeavors. They have achieved a milestone of academic success in obtaining a seat at one of our professional schools of pharmacy. But many of these students did not achieve their success alone. It was most likely a similar story to which most of us can relate. Many students may have had the love and support of family, friends, colleagues, and classmates to help them achieve this current goal.Now these new pharmacy students are bestowed a gift of a white coat, which they are helped into by a faculty member. It is a gift that comes with great responsibility. “I will apply my knowledge, experience, and skills to the best of my ability…” To do so implies that the student shall strive to achieve academic excellence in the courses provided by the pharmacy curriculum as presented by their faculty. Whether in the classroom, patient simulation experience, or introductory or advanced pharmacy practice experience they will endeavor to “…consider the welfare of humanity and relief of suffering my primary concerns.” And through the interactions with patients at healthcare outreach events or at experiential sites, “I will respect and protect all personal and health information entrusted to me.” It is a reminder that with this great honor, of the bestowing of a white coat, comes an equally great responsibility.As a pharmacist, when we don the white coat we are reminded that we are held to a higher standard of care as we provide clinical pharmacy services to our patients across all settings of practice. “I will hold myself and my colleagues to the highest principles of our profession's moral, ethical, and legal conduct.” Like it or not, when we wear our actual or figurative “white coat” we are held to a higher standard than the general public. We also recall that we are where we are today because many before us paved the way and also provided assistance when needed. As I stare out at those bright-eyed new pharmacy students it is a reminder that each of us has taken a similar vow to “… utilize my knowledge, skills, experiences, and values to prepare the next generation of pharmacists.” Each of us in our own way is working towards this statement, whether we are directly precepting a student, sponsoring a student to attend a state or national pharmacy meeting, educating them in the classroom, writing an article for a journal, or providing them and their families with our best clinical care. In doing so we are providing both the current pharmacy students and the future students of our profession a roadmap upon which they can begin their path. I have a frame in my office with the program from the very first White Coat Ceremony that occurred at my institution and along with it the Oath of the Pharmacist. When I am having a difficult day or find myself weary, I have often looked up and read those words within the frame. They serve as a reminder and inspiration to why we chose the profession that we have undertaken and love.I challenge myself and each of my colleagues that tomorrow when we put on our white coat, that we take a moment and recall those first days of pharmacy school. This white piece of apparel is not just a part of my required uniform by my employer but is a powerful symbol of our profession and patient care. “I take these vows voluntarily with the full realization of the responsibility with which I am entrusted by the public.”

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