
Schizocosa wolf spiders show tremendous diversity in courtship complexity, with different species employing varying numbers of components within and across sensory modalities. Using a comparative approach, we investigate the importance of each signaling modality in the courtship display of five Schizocosa species (three stridulating and two drumming) by assessing mating success under manipulated signaling environments. Irrespective of the degree of male ornamentation, the three stridulating species exhibit a dependence on the seismic, but not visual, signaling environment for mating success. Mating was independent of signaling environment for the two drumming species. We next ask whether the degree to which each species depends upon a signaling modality for mating (i.e., modality importance) is correlated with the estimated modality-specific signal complexity. We first calculate effect sizes for the influence of seismic versus visual signaling environments on the likelihood to mate for ten Schizocosa species and then use an element-counting approach to calculate seismic and visual signal complexity scores. We use a phylogenetic regression analysis to test two predictions: (1) the importance of seismic signaling is correlated with seismic signal complexity and (2) the importance of visual signaling is correlated with visual signal complexity. We find a significant relationship between visual signal importance and visual signal complexity, but no relationship between seismic signal importance and seismic signal complexity. Finally, we test the hypothesis that selection acts on complexity per se by determining whether seismic and visual signal complexity is correlated across species. We find support for this hypothesis in a significant relationship between seismic and visual signal complexity.

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