
The key idea of this article is that, for the first time, on the example of the domestic and foreign policy of the Canadian Liberals, led by Justin Trudeau, we discuss the problems and prospects of Canadian Liberalism. The recent defeat of the Conservative Party of Canada in the 2019 parliamentary elections gave the impression that only the Liberal Party contributes to the prosperity of the modern Canadian state. The closest attention to the activities of the Liberal Party allows us to identify its absolute advantages and corresponding shortcomings. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to analyze and investigate both the indisputable advantages and current shortcomings of the Liberal Party in power, and against this background to determine the effectiveness, or vice versa, the incompetence of Canadian liberalism as a political ideology. At the same time, according to the author, it is necessary to separate objective and subjective factors associated with the presence of liberals in power. The objective ones are related to how the Liberals program settings meet the needs of the time, while the subjective ones characterize how an individual, and, above all, the party leader, implements the partys requests and the electorates hopes. In this regard, the reputation of its leader is of crucial importance. On the basis of the considered source base, and, first of all, the electoral programs of Liberals under Trudeau, since coming to power in 2015. In the first part of the article, the author presents a comparative analysis of the results of the liberals in the parliamentary elections in 2015 and 2019, explaining the reasons for the victory of the latter, and obtaining, respectively, a parliamentary majority, and then a minority. The second part of the article is devoted directly to the aspects of the domestic and foreign policy of the Liberals in 2015-2020. The author comes to the conclusion that the Canadian liberalism, implemented by Justin Trudeau is currently the leading political ideology that unites a significant part of the electorate.


  • Значительно больше канадских граждан интересуют современные проблемы, и в том числе борьба с коронавирусом, экономическое процветание государства, разрешение квебекской проблемы, канадско-американские внешнеэкономические связи и т.д

  • [14] Канада и Великобритания подписали торговое соглашение // URL: https://tass.ru/ mezhdunarodnaya-panorama/10065427/ Дата обращения: 13.01.2021

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Начиная со второй половины XIX в., Консервативная и Либеральная партии Канады соперничают между собой, сменяя друг друга у власти цивилизованным путем парламентских выборов, и показывая тем самым пример Так и либералов явилось то, что, опираясь на постоянную электоральную поддержку, они отстранили от власти в общенациональном масштабе другие политические партии, и, прежде всего, Новую демократическую, Партию Реформ, Квебекский блок. Трюдо на парламентских выборах 2015 и 2019 гг., Прежде всего, предвыборные манифесты канадских либералов и основных политических конкурентов – консерваторов, в которых изложены основные положения партий по внутренней и внешней политике государства накануне парламентских выборов 2015 и 2019 гг [2].

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