
A time domain subaperture approach was developed in DLR, which is suitable for real-time SAR processing while achieving high quality full resolution imagery. The real-time subaperture algorithm is based on an approximation of the phase history correction ih each subaperture with a simple linear correction, which can be carried out by an up/down-conversion of the received signal followed by a moving average operation. By a fre- quency overlap of the subapertures, the characteristics of the impulse response function will be improved consider- ably, being comparable to a conventional matched filter response. Special algorithms for high quality SAR proc- essing such as auto-focus, doppler centroid estimation and range migration correction can be implemented effi- ciently. High flexibility for multi-look processing is achieved and no secondary range compression is needed even for high squint angles. A dedicated hardwarc is being developped for the airborne SAR (E-SAR) System of DLR.

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