
The rats were parasitized by ectoparasitic arthropods which have a close relationship with rats as their specific host. In the rat’s body found various types of ectoparasites such as ticks, mites, fleas, and ticks at the same time and is known as polyparasit. This research aims at obtaining data about the diversity of ectoparasites on different types of rats and their habitat. The rats caught in the house habitat, forest, field, and sewer. The caught rats were put into a cloth bag, labeled, then taken to laboratory to be identified by using key rodent identification. Then, the researcher did the collection and identification. The results showed that There were 87 rats caught from all the habitats. The four rat species trapped from four habitats were Rattus rattus diardii, R. tiomanicus, R. argentiventer, and R. norvegicus. The total number of 2548 ectoparasites were collected from the rats of Hoplopluera pacifica, Polyplax spinulosa, Xenopsylla cheopis, Laelaps nuttalli Hirst and L. echidninus. The diversity index of ectoparasites on the bodies of R. tanezumi was predominant (0.525). Statistical analysis with t-tests (α = 5%) of all index diversity between male and female rodents infested with ectoparasites was not significantly different.

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