
This research was conducted in the Kota Belud Bird Sanctuary (KBBS), with the objectives to determine the diversity and species richness of birds in KBBS and to identify habitats of birds that occur there. The overall purpose was to provide information for managing and conserving birds in the Sanctuary. The methods applied in this study were point counts, line transects and mist-netting. Shannon and Margalef indices indicated the bird diversity was quite high (3.4664) for Shannon index, as was species richness (9.232) for Margalef index. Lonchura atricapilla was the most abundant resident species whereas Himantopus himantopus was the most dominant migratory species. In addition, there were four general habitats of birds that were identified within the study area: i) grassland, scrub, bush, and open and suburban areas, ii) paddy fields and flooded paddy, iii) coastal strand and mudflats, and iv) swamp, mangrove, lakes and pools. This study added six species into the list of birds in KBBS, which was previously compiled in 1985. Among species recorded were the critically endangered (CR) Fregata andrewsi and near threatened (NT) Anhinga melanogaster.

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