
The present study was conducted to document the diversity and distribution of polypores in wet evergreen and shola forests of Silent Valley National Park, Kerala State, in the southern Western Ghats, India. A combination of opportunistic and plot-based sampling was carried out in order to maximize the documentation of polypore distribution. The study was conducted throughout the entire study period of 2013–2015. Fifty-seven polypore species in 29 genera belonging to seven families were documented from the national park. The wet evergreen forest was enriched with 52 species whereas the shola forest harboured 20 polypore species. Fifteen species were found in both ecosystems while five species were exclusively found in the shola forest. The Polyporaceae was the dominant family with 30 species, followed by Hymenochaetaceae with 16 species, and Fomitopsidaceae and Meripilaceae with three species each. Ganodermataceae and Schizoporaceae made their presence with two species each while only one species was reported under family Meruliaceae. Among the polypores documented, 42 species were annuals and 15 were perennials. While analyzing the rot characteristics of the recorded polypores, it was found that white rot polypores have notable dominance over brown rot polypores. Out of the 57 species analysed, 52 polypores were white rotters and only five species were brown rotters. During the present study, three species (Phylloporia pectinata, Trametes menziesii, and Trametes ochracea) were found to be new records from the southern Western Ghats. An identification key was developed for the polypores documented from Silent Valley National Park based on micro and macro morphological features.

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