
Elevation has been a cornerstone of biodiversity research, and changes in the environmental factors behind it influence biodiversity and community patterns. Exploring the potential reasons behind liverwort community patterns has been a matter of multiplied interest for ecologists. In the present study, we recorded the liverwort taxa of Sygera Mountain growing on decaying wood, trees, soil, and rocks along an elevational gradient from 3100 m to 4500 m using complex field surveys in 2017 and 2019; we investigated the effects of elevation and various climatic factors on the liverworts’ diversity and community composition. Furthermore, we used mixed effect modeling, NMDS, ANOSIM, and CCA to help us critically assess liverwort diversity with respect to environmental variables. The results of the study showed a bimodal variation in the richness of liverwort communities according to elevation, with peaks occurring at 3500 m and 4100 m, respectively. The variation in elevation was significant, with communities at 4300 m being associated with high mean diurnal range environments and those at 3100 m and 3300 m favoring areas of higher solar radiation and the precipitation of the wettest month. Among the climatic factors, the variation in the mean diurnal range was found to be the determinant of liverwort communities. The results suggest that the mean diurnal range plays a crucial role in the distribution and community structure formation of mountain liverwort. This study deepens our understanding of liverwort ecology and emphasizes the importance of climatic variables in determining liverwort community composition.

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