
Spotted seatrout, Cynoscion nebulosus (Cuvier), and spot, Leiostomus xanthurus Lacèpéde, from two sites along Florida's west coast were collected, weighed, sexed and measured. A systematic search for plerocercoids of the cestode Poecilancistrium caryophyllum yielded infection prevalences of 81.9% for C. nebulosus and 25.0% for L. xanthurus. The maximum infection intensity was 10 (mean = 2.65) plerocercoids per fish in C. nebulosus and six (mean = 1.69) per fish in L. xanthurus. Significant correlations were found between infection prevalence and length in C. nebulosus, and a significant correlation was observed between intensity and length in both species. Condition coefficient (K) and intensity were negatively correlated in C. nebulosus but not in L. xanthurus. An iterative computer technique based on the truncated negative binomial distribution indicated no parasite‐induced mortality occurred in either species. Sand drum, Umbrina coroides Cuvier, is reported as a new host record for P. caryophyllum.

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