
The purpose of this study was to examine the distribution of physical activities relative to the most demanding scenarios across playing positions during official basketball match-play. Twelve professional basketball players were monitored during twelve matches using a local positioning system. Peak physical demands were measured via total distance covered, distance covered >18 km·h-1, and the number of accelerations and decelerations >3 m·s-2 captured over 30- and 60-s rolling averages. The results showed that players were exposed to more than one high-demanding scenario in all variables and time epochs examined. Additionally, total distance covered presented the greatest number of moderate-demanding scenarios (40-80% of most demanding scenarios), whereas distance covered >18 km·h-1, and accelerations and decelerations >3 m·s-2 presented the greatest proportion of low-demanding scenarios (<40% of most demanding scenarios). Regarding positional differences, backcourt players generally experienced a higher number of scenarios than frontcourt players in most variables, especially in total distance covered. For this variable, scenarios between 20 and 70% of most demanding scenarios during the 30-s epoch (p < 0.001; ES = 0.420.78), and scenarios between 50 and 90% of most demanding scenarios during the 60-s epoch (p < 0.001; ES = 0.400.64) showed significant differences between backcourt and frontcourt players. Our data suggest that match physical activities are position-dependent and variable-dependent. In addition, peak physical demands appear to be repeated during basketball competition. These results may be considered by practitioners to complement average values and most demanding scenarios when prescribing individualized training programs to optimize team performance.

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