
In 1907 I contributed to the “Transactions of the Norfolk and Norwich Naturalists' Society” a list of the localities in which implements of flint and bronze had been found in Norfolk. The only previous list was in Vol. I. of the “Victoria County History of Norfolk” (1901), in which nine localities were given for Palæolithic implements, 54 for Neolithic, and 38 for bronze. In my own list the classification and number of parishes for which records were published were:—Eolithic (Sub-Crag) 1, Palæolithic 30, “Cissbury type” 4, Early Neolithic 101, Intermediate Neolithic 100, Late Neolithic or polished 109, and Bronze 70. In that list one polished implement recorded for Rushall should have been from Runhall, and the bronze implement from Hanworth should have been from Hunworth. I also consider the records of palæoliths for Brockdish, Fritton, and Markshall doubtful.

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