
This study used the results of a systematic upland bird survey conducted in 1990 and the information held on BTO nest record cards to study the distribution, numbers and breeding ecology of Twite Acanthis flavirostris in the south Pennines of England. The survey estimated the size of the population as between 200 and 400 pairs. The distribution of records obtained during the survey is mapped. In the breeding season, Twite show an association with relatively low-altitude sites at the moorland edge, especially where the length of reservoir or river shore tends to be large and the sward height exceeds 5 cm. They apparently avoid areas dominated by Juncus¸ spp. flush vegetation. We compare information available on BTO nest record cards for south Pennines Twite with those from Scotland. Breeding performance for Twite nesting in heather-dominated habitats was better than for those nesting on either grassdominated or other moorland habitat. Twite brood-size in the south Pennines has declined in recent years and ...

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