
The distribution and ultrastructure of class II major histocompatibility complex (MHC)-positive cells were investigated in human dental pulp, employing immunohistochemistry using an anti-human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-DR-monoclonal antibody. HLA-DR-immunopositive cells, appearing spindle-like or dendritic in profile, were densely distributed throughout the dental pulp. Under the electron microscope, these cells exhibited various sizes of vesicles containing clear or opaque contents, multivesicular bodies and characteristic fine tubulovesicular structures in their cytoplasm. Some reactive cells possessed coated pits and vesicles including electron-dense materials, indicating an active endocytosis. At the periphery of the pulp tissue, the HLA-DR-immunopositive cells were predominantly situated in the subodontoblastic layer, with some located in the odontoblast layer and/or predentin and extending their cytoplasmic processes into the dentinal tubules. Cell processes of these cells occasionally made contact with several odontoblast processes in the same way as the nerve fibers in the predentin. These cells never contained the typical phagosomes frequently observed in the HLA-DR-immunoreactive macrophages in the subodontoblastic layer and the pulp core. The results suggest that the HLA-DR-immunopositive cells in the odontoblast layer and/or predentin have some regulatory function on the odontoblasts under physiological conditions, in addition to their involvement in the initial defense reaction after tooth injury.

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