
We present the results of a survey of interstellar O~{\small VI} absorption in the Milky Way (MW) towards {69} stars in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) obtained with the \textit{Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer (FUSE)}. The integrated MW O~{\small VI} column densities log N(O~{\small VI}) are in the range from 13.68 to 14.73 with a mean of {14.26$_{-0.09}^{+0.07}$} atoms cm$^{-2}$. The O~{\small VI} exponential scale height is found to be {2.28$\pm$1.06} kpc. The O~{\small VI} column density correlates with the Doppler parameter $\it b$. The O~{\small VI} velocity dispersion ranges from {14.0 to 91.6 with an average value of 62.7 km s$^{-1}$}. These high values of velocity dispersion reveal the effect of turbulence, multiple velocity components and collision on broad O~{\small VI} profiles. There is a significant variation of O~{\small VI} column density on all scales studied {(0.0025$\degr$ - 6.35$\degr$)}. The smallest scale for which O~{\small VI} column density variations has been found is {$\bigtriangleup \theta$ $\sim$~9$\arcsec$}. Comparison of the O~{\small VI} velocity profiles with Fe~{\small II} indicates the presence of intermediate velocity cloud (IVC) and/or high velocity cloud (HVC) components in the O~{\small VI} absorption.

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