
The disparity in Java Island can be observed from the difference of development between northern and southern watershed, particularly in the west part of Java. The northern region (NR) is represented by Cisadane and Ciliwung Watershed, while the southern region (SR) is Cimandiri and Cibuni Watershed. Those four watersheds are burst out from the same mountain which can be assumed the biophysical and geology conditions are similar, thus the driving force predominantly comes from human intervention. The disparities are coming from human force such as population, urbanization, migration, accessibility and others socio-economic factors. Although the watershed length and topographic condition are also force the disparities. This research aims to figure out the driving force of disparities between NR and SR, and arrange some recommendations to mitigate and adapt the environmental issues. The annual rate of land use and cover change (LUCC) shows that the forest reduction in the NR is twice than the SR and the agriculture land lost in the NR is three times than the SR. It means the NR is rapidly changed to built-up area, while the SR is slowly changed, but the SR gradually follows the NR condition. In addition, the average growth rate of population and the annual GDP in the NR are reached five times than the SR.

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